Trinity truth


This page has some excellent videos on the Trinity doctrine covering the apostasy of the Seventh day Adventist Church. Sadly, one video revealing how the Church has stated that they intend to hunt down those with the non-Trinitarian truth and remove them from the Church. A very Catholic thing to do. One Church had a gentlemen in his 70's removed during a service by the police. He saw no reason he could not be in the Church just because he had found the non-Trinitarian truth.

Bobby Shelton grew up a Baptist pastor's son and surrendered to preach in 1984 at the age of 14 years old. After learning the Advent message of the SDA Church in 2001, he rededicated his life to preaching that message. In 2002, He trained at the Black Hills College of Evangelism; however, his preaching style did not fit into the cookie-cutter mold of Adventist preaching, so he remained in secular work until he discovered the non-Trinitarian truth. He is currently pastoring a non-Trinitarian Church in Perry, MI USA.

You tube Videos on the Trinity Doctrine by Bobby Shelton

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Heaven's War I & II - Part 1 of 2 ~ Bobby Shelton - Adventists Deny the Son of God?

Most of us have heard about the War in Heaven. But did you know there was a second war in heaven?

World's War 1 & 2 - Part 2 of 2 ~ Bobby Shelton -The attack of the SDA church on the OTG movement

The first sermon in this series, "Heaven's War 1 & 2" detailed the two wars in heaven. Now we look into two wars being fought here on earth: The attack on the Law and government of God and the attack on the Sonship of Jesus.

The Battle Is the Lord's

This sermon is a continuation of the Heaven's War and World's War sermon and goes more into the apostasy of the corporate Adventist church.

The Fourth Angel's Message

Most are aware that we are warned against labeling the SDA church "Babylon". But this sermon takes a second look at what EG White is saying in this regard.